In "Jean Charles de Menezes was shot down in cold blood."

BBC says: "The latest documents suggest Mr de Menezes had walked into Stockwell Tube station, picked up a free newspaper, walked through ticket barriers, had started to run when he saw a train arriving and was sitting down in a train when he was shot."
He was running to catch his train when they caught up with him, overpowered him and executed him like a dog! ROFL. See, this is why we shouldn't buy into the fear they're peddling. In every speech they make, in every press conference they hold, in every news broadcast broadcasted, the message is "fear for your life, the end is nigh. Oh, and you'll just have to accept the police state measures, or do you want to die!?". Fuck that shit. If this is the alternative, I'm not afraid to die.

In "Curious George: HTML coding."

I use tidy.

In ""Should Hillary Clinton Run for Presidents?""

Thanks! What would we yanks ever do without your kind guidance! You're most welcome. As long as you keep believing in your system of war corporatism, you'll continue to be personally responsible for the atrocities perpetrated in your name. Believing that a black man or a woman could become president within a reasonable timeframe is wishful thinking. Believing that a black man or a woman could actually make a difference if elected is outright delusional.

Are you an American? If not, STFU. Um, why? It was meant as friendly advice. Just trying to spare you from further disappointment. I'll STFU when you yanks regain control over the destructive system you've unleashed upon the world.

This is too funny. You're discussing wether a woman or a black man could become president in the US? I don't know where y'all get your information from, but I assure you that will never (not in a very long time) happen. I'll give you my awesome prediction; the next US president will be a white man, with a large personal fortune and with powerful friends and contacts in the arms and energy industries. He will, as tradition dictates, hold non-US life in contempt. In fact, it could be just about any white male high level Republican or Democrat. Stop fooling yourself into believing that your system works for anybody but the ruling plutocracy.

In "Auditory George - Easiest way of importing my old CDs?"

cdparanoia is great for ripping really scuffed CDs. Not very user friendly though (read comments on the linked page for help with compilation issues).

In "Ceefax online - perhaps the least essential service ever created."

You don't have teletext in the US? I use teletext all the time, every day, either for a quick news fix or for program schedules. Hitting the 'text' button on the remote while watching TV is much faster than launching a browser and will give you all the latest news headlines. All the national channels here have their own teletext newsdesks. There's also lots of other stuff on teletext, like the weather, stock tickers, classifieds, sms chat pages and of course subtitles.

In "Curious George...<i>Rectum!</i>"

Every time I hear the word 'lost' I'm thinking, 'the game'.

In "It's happened again. "

Here's a cache of the nazi forum mentioned in the news. Native americans and nazism just doesn't sound like a good combination to me. And why does these things happen so often in the US? Can the Americans really blame the rest of the world for fearing their culture, and for fighting against its proliferation?

In "100 Favourite literary characters."

Yossarian lives! But where is Dirk Gently?

In "MC Frontalot"

special delivery and I wish that I could afford the ear of Bush the second I'd ask is it your favorite philosopher who recommended invading and exterminating all who defy us, crying out justice but seeking out triumphs? wasn't your christ unbeloved of empires? one nailed his ass to a post; he expired! a terrorist, as roman evidence showed put down like a retard on the death row (in texas)

In "Your favorite beers as seen by the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. "

It's beautiful.

In "Guess the Movie"

uncleozzy: 29 is Eyes Wide Shut

In "Tassili N'Ajjer,"

Very interesting, but I couldn't find any pictures of the rock paintings with mushrooms that the Lycaeum article is talking about.

In "The Fireman:"

Judging from the samples at Amazon, it's been a long time since McCartney touched the sacrament.

In "Dragostea Din Tei RULES YOUR WORLD"

Razorblade! You Americans have no idea how much this was played in Europe this summer. It's almost scary. But it was fun visiting Romania in the middle of the craze.

In "Salvia divinorum"

maverick: A lot of people seem unaffected by smoking SD. Especially if they're smoking leaves and not extract. I only got effect from leaves after smoking it from a bong with a torch (storm lighter). Joints doesn't work (for me at least). Friends of mine who have done extract says it definitely does work and that it's one of the strongest and weirdest psychedelics they've ever tried. It's too bad they've just classified it as a pharmaceutical over here. Not illegal, but you've got to get a note from your doctor if you want to import it.

A survey of Salvia Divinorum users by Erowid. Just stumbled upon this while leafing through old copies of their newsletter. Strange coincidence. I've only tried leaves, never extract. Haven't exactly tripped on it, but weird stuff has happened. Salvia gravity has always been present. Very weird indeed.

In "Curious George: BitTorrent Machinations"

Here's a good article on entrapment and deception by LEOs from Erowids excellent print letter Erowid Extracts.

In "Virtual walking in Europe. "

The future is virtual.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)